Shannon La Cava, Psy.D.

© Shannon La Cava. All Rights Reserved. Photos courtesy of Thinkstock.
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Use of this site in no way constitutes any patient doctor relationship or relationship of any kind personal or professional with Shannon La Cava.

Psychosocial Oncology presentation

I am happy to announce that I will be speaking about Psychosocial Oncology this Friday, August 12th at noon at the Cancer Support Community Benjamin Center.  Feel free to attend this Lunch & Learn event to learn more about this important specialization.

Cancer Support Community Benjamin Center
1990 S. Bundy Dr., Suite 100
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Ph. 310-314-2555

© Shannon La Cava. All Rights Reserved. Photos courtesy of Thinkstock.
Use of these websites signifies that you agree to be bound to the terms of our Disclaimers, Notice & Agreement, and Copyrights.
Use of this site in no way constitutes any patient doctor relationship or relationship of any kind personal or professional with Shannon La Cava.